ok.. as promised..... PICTURES!!
this i
s a picture of ALL my presents.. yup yup (:YAY!! i got my wish.. a spongebob balloon! nat surprised me with it when i came to school on friday.. i was so excited i think i jump up and down and clapped my hands and everyone laughed at me for being childish.. oh well. i love spongebob! (:
darcie's present.. it was mailed to me.. yep, the chocolate too! surprised the mailman didnt kop the yummy hersheys.. notice it's DARK CHOCOLATE!! my fave.. (: thanks darcie! the card's super nice too.. i keep reading over and over.. lol
lol.. ok.. this is wad esther gave me.. it's like a pencilbox, can u tell? lol.. k la k la esther.. i appreciate it.. really, though your taste is a little*ahem*.. still love u!! (:
YAY!! minidoubles!! see how nice they ar? L2 gang got me these.. my notes will be so pretty now!! thus encouraging me to *urgh* look at them.. lol.. beautiful!
dear abi-joy gave me a huge card and a super baby pink wallet.. i almost fainted.. lol.. i'll use the wallet one la, dun worry.. although it SOOO doesnt suit me.. lol! love the card though!
lisa got me a shirt.. from giordano JUNIORS!! lol.. yep, im still a kid!! *im just a kid and life is a nightmare.. * reliving the simple plan days.. lol.. oh.. wads that on the shirt u ask me??
yup... u r not hallucinating.. how untrue is this shirt rite? *snigger*.. oh well.. i just have to accept that im big.. *ROAR* lol
finally..................... THE MOST IMPORTANT THING I RECIEVED!! or things.. ok, it's a little dark.. dunno why.. but there's... a card, a letter, a friendship band, a bracelet thingy with my name on it, moo moo stickers and a chocolate rabbit! so many rite.. heh heh, i love my huiqian.. (: dun worry huiqian, im eating the rabbit.. bit by bit.. starting with the ears.. lol.. so cruel rite? but she say muz eat one.. so i eat.. lolk, that's basically it i guess.. all my presents.. thanks everyone for these! and those who sent me smses wishing me too.. yay yay.. kk, gtg.. i still have loads of work to do.. )):
happy birthday to mehappy birthday to mehappy birthday to sarahhappy birthday to mehaha.. yup.. thanks to all the people who wished me a happy birthday and made me feel blessed.. (: and for all the presents i've recieved, which is only huiqian and darcie's one.. lol.. i want a balloon!! nice spongebob one.. (: i love spongebob.. hahathanks abi joy for dedicating a whole post to me!! haha.. her blog alot of people read one leh.. so paiseh.. hmm... gotta make plans for L2 and darcie,mx outing.. push the tutorials back la who cares.. lol.. oh cannot.. i must promote and maintain 4H2 one!! STUDY HARDER LAZY BUM.. ):im gonna post all the picts of all my presents to thank everyone who gave them to me.. just as soon as i get everything and find the dumb cable of the camera so i can upload the pics..yesterday i saw something gross.. on the bus.. got two lecherous guys were looking at the woman who wasnt very skimpily dressed.. just the blouse abit low cut, everything else was appropriately covered.. well the woman was quite short and the two guys were standing beside her and looking down at her *ahem*.. i was horrified.. then later 2 seats cleared and the woman wanted to sit down.. i felt glad for her, escape the lecherous eyes.. but then i dunno how one of the guy managed it, but he squeezed in and sat beside her, smiling a super horny smile.. oh man.. i was like crap, that's so sad.. but i observed him and he didnt do anything la..i hate perverts.. i really do.. i rather be brutally murdered, chopped into pieces or whatever than be raped.. eew.. ok randomness.. upload pictures soon.. ciao!
it's sunday.. the weekend flew by.. nubian gents were refreshing.. i thank God for bringing mabel and evelyn to this lovely family of acts 1.. dunno y i feel so drained.. must be the after effects of the games day thingy.. sigh, the only thing on my mind now is i cant believe i have to go school on monday.. NOOoooooo.. somemore have extra classes on monday and i'll end like 5 plus? sian sian sian... lemme roar... ROAR.. feel totally random now.. lemme announce something.......................IM GETTING MARRIED!!!.. lol... siaoi mean i got 90% for the acts one test.. see? i know my cellgroup so well.. see who can beat me.. heh heh heh.. u know the studying tuition thingy in church.. i really feel like going to help help see see.. but i always no time.. wanna see how pple like 3mao and giana look when they are serious at stuying... lol.. rare sight u know.. and about how we're supposed to use our talent.. my one and only pathetic talent is probably that i so well in my studies.. (ok, not exactly now since i got E U U U..LOL) ya, so i wanna help.. we'll see how things goes..see? my post is like so totally random.. i wonder how the team did for touch singapore.. hope they did well.. so sad i couldnt be there cos of nubian gents.. but its ok, church was awesome.. i love church.. i love acts one.. lol..ok i think i better stop typing.. or i'll get more and more out of point.. see ya peeps......**ps: I GOT 90% FOR THE ACTS ONE TESTS!! HUR HUR
i came home today very depressed.. i think it's like that time of the month ma.. and also, i got back my econs and i got U.. 39.. that's like 3Us out of my 4H2s.. im so pathetic.. and i lost my wallet and the stupid guy at the interchange was so nonchalent and he didnt seem to care.. (of cos la, not his wallet wad.. wad am i saying...) and my wallet wasnt there.. plus some PETTY and EGOISTIC PIECE OF CRAP spoiled my day seriously.. i really reached home with tears welling up in my eyes, i dunno y.. these few days just keep wanting to bawl my eyes out..but ya anyway.. i came home and told my dad about the missing wallet and went back to wallowing in self pity.. then my dad just passed me this package.. i was like huh? for me one? who will send me stuff.. and i examined the front of the package and saw "australia".. I FREAKED OUT!! i knew it was from huiqian.. i tried to rip the stupid tough package but cannot tear.. i tried biting.. then the instructions say lift flap and pull.. no use.. so tough.. i felt myself turning into the incredible hulk.. i attacked the package with great fervour and it finally gave in.. it ripped and the many contents spilled out.. i grabbed the letter first and read it.. laughing at the -.- of the content but yet wanting to cry again cos i miss her so much.. i really dunno how to express how much recieving the present made me feel.. i really forgot all the bad stuff.. i re read the letter again and again.. oh how i miss u huiqian!! i'm gonna send u a letter, my reply.. soon soon, this week very busy.. but i will.. prepare to be touched again by my wonderfully long letter! (:yay huiqian.. u got me chocolate, great for my depression now.. lol.. and the friendship band looks super professional la!! and i love the bracelet with my name on it.. since im not nao and have a tiny brain, i have a rather thin neck since the head doesnt need much support so i can actually wear it as a choker.. nice nice.. i really love it.. i'll elaborate in the letter.. dun let people see our private relationship.. *wink wink* haha..huiqian, i really love and miss u.. im seriously counting down to your return.. please wear flats on the day of your return so i can hug u.. if not too tall i must stand on a chair to hug u very diu lian one.. ok? can't wait to see your face again.. AHH!! miss u wanna kiss u....huiqian huiqian i love ui love u i love uhuiqian huiqian i miss ureally wanna hug u...(sing to the tune of mary had a little lamb.. )
hurray.. my first correct pridiction.. chem- U.. hur hur.. totally expected so i wasn't as emo as i was for maths.. well, i got my GP compo back and i failed.. i blame my gp teacher.. really, before u start to think im pushing the blame.. my gp teacher only made us do one gp compo the whole semester.. and once she graded it she didnt go through it.. so basically alot of pple failed that assignment but didnt know why.. and how to improve it.. as for compre, she doesnt even collect them.. she just lets us do the compre, then she'll go through the qns BORINGLY.. everyone switches off.. boo.. lol, oh well.. lisa was telling me about her fren form nj doing very nadly too and i dun have to worry cos it's like that one.. but then she added one sentence.. "but then my fren retained la..." OH MAN!! lol... y she have to go say that.. now i fear of being retained.. seriously, i never really thought of that u know.. i just assumed it'll be fine, just scrape through u know.. but i guess it's pretty real- retaining.. scary stuff... ):and busy busy little me.. have so many tutorials that i kinda was too lazy to do before.. plus PW, urgh!! yl is driving me nuts... im dying....................... its totally never ending one the things she demands from the group.. tired and drained.. reliving the feeling i had when i first went to nj.. actually worse than that.. cos i have rugby now.. on rugby days, i'll ALWAYS be too tired to do anything and will end up sleeping at 9 plus 10.. promos is in less than 2 months u know?!? how to cope?!? sian sian sian.. with the Us piling up... this is really stressing me out..tsk tsk, this post so depressing hor.. i know.. im depressed ma.. ah wei, gotta have the outing soon.. I NEED U!!.. im losing my sense of humor.. i really am.. i feel so unfunny now.. the effects of nj.. AHH................ lol.. se??? im actually laughing at this.. cant believe it.. lol... stop it, it aint funny, dun laugh... hee hee...
i thought i could handle it.. i thought i would be alrite.. but i guess i thought wrong.. when "35" left the lips of mr chew.. my heart and stomach dropped.. so did my mouth, eyes and ALMOST tears.. my first of many 'U's.. i guess skipping differentiation, transformation and conics wasn't really a good idea.. so far i only got back one subject.. boo, so slow.. but maths- U...and i got 14/20 for bio mcq which is quite bad considering the class got around 17 i think.. or 16.. hmm, and then we went through bio structured qns without getting our paper back.. and as i saw the ans key, i knew bio was bombed.. so many key words and key points left out.. resulting in a probable lousy grade.. and bio's my most confident somemore..lemme predict my scores a little.. hopefully im not cursing myself.. lol.. but let's see..maths- Uchem- Ubio- D/Eecons- E/Schinese- D/Egp- D/Eas u can see, this is around an E and S average.. hur hur.. congratulate myself.. i really wanna get everything back so i can emo at one go.. then by my bday i'll be fine.. if they drag it, i'll be emo for very long.. i dun wanna be emo on my bday!!.. darn.. i told my sis i'll start studying for promos now.. LOL, like that's ever gonna happen... my hatred for studying stops me from working as hard as i should everytime.. lazy lazy me.. SPEECH DAY'S COMING!! can't wait!! (: see mrs wong, mr tay, vlee, tiger, mrs joseph, MRS LIAM.. lol.. mrs liam... maybe if we're lucky she'll wear her suspenders thingy.. HAHA!! tzewei pao noeleen and wang, i really think u all can crash speech ady.. i mean not crash but just go, got space go sit sit.. no space wait until it's over then have sec sch reunion.. lol..im so super bored and i have maths, chem and bio tutorial waiting for me.. but my butt refuses to budge from the computer chair.. lemme try agin.......................... nope, it aint moving.. sigh... why did school have to start?!? angsty mood now... roar!!
this week just flew by and i'm afraid there aint gonna be many more fun weeks like this in nj.. but ya, enrichment week is really de-stressing.. cant wait for chocolate making!.. but today leon (my church fren who's in pj) told me he got back his common test results and he got C for maths, E for chem and U for econs.. his bio H1 havent get back yet... *he doesnt read my blog so i can post his results here... LOL*i guess all im trying to say is that he reminded me of my impending doom.. and no matter how fun this week may be, it still doesnt erase the fact that im gonna have to face the music soon... and unfortunately the music's gonna be some horribly played, out-of-tune, worse than current BP band kind of music... *sorry for the insult, but the band really sucks now cos our batch was the best already.. HAHAH rite tzewei??*so ya, my results aint gonna be pretty... i promise i wont bawl about it.. but i guess its inevitable that i'll be sad.. and i already regret not studying hard enough and not doing my best.. i promise i'll study hard for promos... uh hee hee.. okok, i cant guarentee but i'll try.. (: anyway, ms chong said that common tests wont determine if u should drop one subject to H1, it's only after promos then they'll total up and see if u need to drop.. so all those rumours aint true.. *heng!! if not i really muz drop le seriously..*and now pw floats back into my mind as i totally forgot all about it.. and suddenly we must finish the lame GPF by 11/7.. wth? it's 8/7 and i havent got a clue as to how to go about doing the PW stuff... im SOOO not a contributor to my group.. sorry for that man..OH!! i got great news.. *grins* huiqian smsed me!! ok, she probably smsed all of the L2 pple.. but i was in church and then i saw the message and i immediately laughed after reading about noel.. so funny la... daddy long legs remember? i cant wait for speech day.. nono, not cos i wanna recieve the prize, but cos i can see all the wonderful teachers and school mates i spent the best years of my life with.. anyway the lame prize isnt even very coveted cos pple like laiyeng also can get.. they dun invite u based on your O level score or how many A1s u get.. its based on how many As u get.. so poor noeleen and tzewei cannot get.. noeleen got 5A1s leh, but cos she total only got 6As cannot go.. so poor thing la!!.. ): ok, that ends off my post.. i gotta go do pw stuff.. argh!! i hate hua tuo... LOL i bet all of u dun even know who hua tuo is la.. see? my groundbreaker aint very groundbreaking... Zzzz sianz...
whee.. enrichment week has been... enriching.. on wed we went to OCS, u know the army place.. it was actually quite fun though i was dreading it.. we did loads of stupid things.. there was this guy who was rather good looking and nao was SMITTEN with him.. pushpinder.. i reckon he's probably a mixed blood.. eurasian plus indian.. cos he's quite dark and his features are really sharp.. and before u racists pple give any comments on indians, i think indians are good looking people with nice features.. not like chinese with the small slit eyes, big bulbous noses and thin lips... yup..i threw fake grenades and learnt lame army songs like purple light.. army seemed so fun... but i guess it's just propaganda, lol.. poor max was so super gay i think the soldiers were laughing at him.. he actually freaked out when nao put some chemo paint on him.. tsk tsk, his whole face would be covered in due time.. i hope he gets out of his gayness.. bok guan on the other hand was so manly.. lol, volunteering for every activity.. i think he'll be fine if he has to enrol now..today was interesting too... an achappela (i dunno how to spell la..) group came and sang.. VERY NICE!! and they talent spotted this malay guy from nj who could beat box rather well.. then it was uni talks.. if i ever enter the arts path, i'll take a double major of psychology and sociology.. (: seems interesting.. but i think i most prob would stick to my life science course and be a forensic scientist.. *beams* i love csi la, and no office job for me.. (:yup, tml going some jap cemetry, complusory for H1 chinese pple.. and have batik course.. and have A level chinese oral.. and have training at bishan park!!... loooonnggg day.... tired.. but sat's coming... i love sat... (: see ya!!
ok, i know it's kinda late.. but here's the update on the L2 OUTING!! it was super fun la.. took alot of pictures but i cant upload them, cos i cant transfer the pics from my phone to my comp.. i dun have the cable.. so many spastic tzewei photos and i cant share them with the world.. but nvm.. i'll try to make this SOUND as fun and it was..me nao and tzewei met up to queue for donuts!! it was awesomely good.. seriously, the 3 hour wait was totally worth it.. the double choc was...... i cant even find words to describe it.. just super duper good.. the chocolate was thick and the donut wasn't oily, but very light... yummy yummy.. tzewei got me this rubber thing, it's like 3 baos in a steamer.. lol.. preview to my present.. he didnt know that i used to collect them and so i have alot of these kind of rubber food.. so ya, very cute la.. thanks tzewei.. OH YA!! the 3 hr wait wasn't very bad cos me and tzewei entertained ourselves by laughing about some super fat guy and his she-male friend.. they were with this foreign looking girl who looked totally out of the fat guy's league but based on his body language, i think he likes her.. eewww...after me nao tzewei and noeleen(who joined us for a little while only) gourged on the lovely donuts, we went to cine.. played pool at the arcade while waiting for cow and wang to come.. tzewei should never be allowed to touch a pool stick again.. it could be life threatening to the people around him.. lol, the cue ball at one point even flew out of the table.. oh, but jiahuang's really good at the game.. quite impressive... made tzewei look worse than he already did.. not like that's very possible, but ya.. HAHA!! played daytona too.. and i kicked jiahuang's a**.. hur hur.. all hail the daytona queen... *blows kisses* (:wang and cow came and the guys went to eat dinner and cow ate although he just had a subway sandwich.. eat so much rite!! but bo bian, he says he has 4 stomachs.. haha, cow wad.. bad experience at yoshinoya.. me nao and wang were waiting for a table while the guys went to queue for their food.. and then we saw these acjc pple come in and just nice they come in then got pple get up.. so they got seats though we waited longer.. but nvm, our bad luck wad.. BUT WAIT!! it's not the end.. after awhile more, a table near them cleared so me and wang rushed and when we got there, the ac pple just changed seat and stole our table.. and it wasn't an accident mind u!! cos one ac girl looked right in my eyes as she sat down and i stared in horror.. then she SMIRKED!.. yes, she smiled those kind of evil smile, when your mouth tilts sideways and your eyebrows goes up.. i was horrified.. sigh, it;s supposed to be a christian school!! these rich kids are tainting the name! *pissed*so after dinner, we watched the movie TRANSFORMERS!! told ya it ws nice tzewei.. didnt regret watching it huh? the girl is very pretty i think, her nose very sharp!! and shia lebourf is very funny.. go watch, highly recommendable.. ((((:
SUPER NICE!! ((:after the movie, we took the train home together, jh weren't with us.. and it was so funny the train ride.. cow actually fell asleep while standing up.. i have a picture of it!! ): nvm.. cant show u.. we took spastic photos on the crowded train, lol.. got one i pretended to carry nao's super big and heavy brain.. so funny la.. we took group photos at woodlands.. yay, will always teasure it.. i have really a lot of pictures of tzewei leh.. i think he looks very good.. yup, tzewei u heard me.. i tell u ar qian, u'll be surprised.. he lost so much weight then he looks so much better.. not so beng le.. lol.. had a really good time la.. we MUST do this again real soon.. love ya L2 PEEPS!!