Saturday, June 13, 2009


ever had thoughts creeping into your mind about the "grey areas" of our faith?
oh it's fine.. loads of pple do..

the bible just says don't be drunk, so how much alcohol can i consume before it's considered drunk?..

the bible never specifically say cannot have tatoos wad..

hard rock is bad but punk rock's fine!

which words are considered vulgar and which are not? i can stay away from f*** but what about shit and damn?!

ahh, what words of wisdom these are..

frankly, i hate it when people attempt to discuss about the grey areas in christianity.. i hate it when they try to draw the impossible line.. if a line could be drawn, it wouldn't be called a grey area!!

i don't even see the point in attempting to draw the line..

why draw it?!

so you can walk along it and justify yourselves?

to be able to say oh but im not sinning, i haven't crossed the line..

let's just look at what the bible says shall we?

1 Corinthians 10:23

23"Everything is permissible"—but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible"—but not everything is constructive.

even if the line can be drawn, ask youself this..


the things that you do, are they constructive in anyway? so if we were to say, no to rock but yes to R&B let's say.. does listening to R&B benefit you in anyway? does it benefit your body, soul or mind in any particular manner? are you growing from it?

for you forget, our sole purpose in life is to advance the kingdom of God..

so before you do anything ask yourself this, are you glorifying God in your actions and speech?

1Corinthians 10:31
31So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

(all you smartmouths out there who are asking oh then can we cycle? cycling ain't necessarily gloriying or beneficial wad.. i am attacking the grey areas here, buzz off with your wisecracks)

another thing to consider is.. are you causing a young believer to falter.. this is rather familiar, i shallt touch&go..

1 Corinthians 8:9-13

9Be careful, however, that the exercise of your freedom does not become a stumbling block to the weak.

10For if anyone with a weak conscience sees you who have this knowledge eating in an idol's temple, won't he be emboldened to eat what has been sacrificed to idols?

11So this weak brother, for whom Christ died, is destroyed by your knowledge.

12When you sin against your brothers in this way and wound their weak conscience, you sin against Christ.

13Therefore, if what I eat causes my brother to fall into sin, I will never eat meat again, so that I will not cause him to fall.

if what you do confuses a young believer or potential believers (which is basically every non-believer) stop it.. for if they stumble, its your head on the chopping block buddy..

chew on this..

'maybe we wanna draw the line cos subconsciously, we wanna see how far we can push the boundaries.. so that we can walk on the line..

but may i suggest to you.. how about instead of testing how near you can get to the line, test how far away you can get from the line.. move so far away that the line is a dot to you..

cos what if in the process of attempting to differentiate the black from the white in the grey, you cross that line?

or may i put forth the notion, you draw the wrong line?

i say, do i really need to know how much alcohol i can consume before i get drunk? what's the point?! do i get a prize or something?

or do i really have that limited a vocabulary that i have to use "grey"words?

move away from the line.. for it's better to be on the safe side..

stop trying to walk on the line..

may the line be a dot to you from where you're standing..

ps: i know i needa work on this too haha, let's all do it together then huh.. inch away from lines :)


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