Saturday, October 03, 2009

as i looked at the trickling rain on the window pane and traced the droplets with my fingers, i breathed in the musty smell of fresh rain.. i love it, the idea of being dry and comfy, protected really, when the whipping winds and peltering waters are just a glass pane away..

no, i don't enjoy being caught in the rain, makes my hair look like some cat threw up on my head.. but i love how i know i am safe from the elements though it is roaring outside.. that feeling of being sheltered, makes me feel all fuzzy inside.. that's why i adore rainy days.. it instantaneously makes me have a mental picture of an old couple cuddling on a bench, under the shelter of their porch.. they are probably drinking hot chocolate as they look out at the rain and laugh about the good old days.. yummylicious

do you know if you stare at the ripples the rain makes on the ground long enough, you can probably spot a pattern?.. i know, marvel at my time wasting skills haha.. anyway, i was just about to say au revoir et bonne chance..

till good days, cheerios


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