Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Every long lost dream led me to where you are
Others who broke my heart they were like Northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you

just started pondering over the whole getting attached scene.. this is all charlene's fault!! i am a focused, God-loving student and she had to plant thoughts in my head hahahha

while we did come to a conclusion that both parties have to be spiritually mature before it is wise to go into a relationship, we recognise the temptations that arouse us.. the key to countering that i believe, would be to fully buy into the above's lyrical genius..

that God leads.. and everyone else who comes your way haa a very high possibility of being part of that broken road..

this is TOTALLY random, i was just bored of doing my physics project.. i dream of getting an A for it you know, it's become a more tangible reality after i got my grades from my test back.. *grins like a fool*

i dream alot.. they get vivid.. too vivid.. i can see the lines of expression on your face, the glint in your eyes.. i can see the colours of our backdrop, i can hear the chirp in your voice.. haunting i know.. must be the increased intensity of my thoughts nowadays.. and there i was naively thinking that was physically impossible..

the human brain boggles my mind (this sentence boggles my mind...)

but seriously. i am truly amazed at how incredible our brain is.. the average human uses like what 5-10% of it? amazeballs!! in my mind i'm thinking, only a divine being can think up such a magnificent organ..

on to more randomness? i'm glad to oblige

i was thinking i totally wanna write a novel of some sorts!! but yea yea like all my other unfulfilled dreams this prolly doesnt stand a chance.. but i've read from the best! you never know.. i just might be some best selling author in the future.. heh..

my dream book? a thriller.. a spine-tingling, mind blowing thriller.. with a subtle message that would touch your heart, but only if you're intellligent to pick it up.. sounds perfect!!
perfectly impossible for my inadequate mind haha

anyway, i know this is like the millionth time i'm saying this but i am embarking on a lose-the-flab regime!! hmm we'll see if i can stick to it lol.. won't condemn myself by saying it won't? but, things aren't exactly optimistic haha.. all the best to me!

now i have to go look for pictures of rotting teeth.. whee


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