Saturday, January 05, 2008

i have a new goal in life.. or rather a new vision.. this is kinda random i guess, but..

i wanna be a person who changes lives.. i wanna be the kind of person who after dying, people still remember who i am.. i wanna be someone whom people will point at my grave and say, " she has changed my life"

kinda, i dunno.. corny rite? but i just really really want that.. haha.. i dun wanna live a wasted live.. i wanna be an impact to this world.. millions, billions of people have lived and died.. but how many have really made an impact?

we say we wanna be Christ- like.. well, one of the things Jesus did was to IMPACT the world.. He changed it forever!! well, what are we currently doing with our lives? getting caught up in having fun? in working, in studying, in trying to be accepted by the world?

why do we try so hard to be accepted by the world? if u think about it, Jesus wasn't accepted by like almost His whole community.. why are we wasting the precious time we have on this earth doing stupid things to get "accepted"?..

i sure dun wanna be regretful when i reach heaven.. i wanna be able to say to God, " i have given my whole life to serving u".. i dun want the words, " i could have done more!!" to ever leave my mouth.. because while i spend this limited amount i have on earth, it will be spent to the fullest..

to be a passionate Christian of godly influence...
YUP!! that's me...


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