Sunday, October 07, 2007

**warning: long post ahead.. **

i have a new favourite song!! i know it's kinda cliche and everyone loves it.. but it's honestly Hosanna.. it's so so so so so meaningful and i feel like tearing everytime i sing it..

and there is no such thing as hearing or singing it too many times cos everytime u listen to it it's a new experience..

kudos to blacks and varma's blog for allowing me to listen to it over and over again.. im a total noob at trying to download songs..

of cos i gotta disable the power ranger song once i reach their blog site though.. lol.. sorry, private joke huh, for those who never been to their blog before..


Verse 1
i see the King of Glory
coming on the clouds with fire
the whole Earth shakes
the whole Earth shakes

Verse 2
i see His love and mercy
washing over all our sins
the people sing
the people sing

Hosanna in the Highest
Hosanna in the Highest

Verse 3
i see a generation
rising up to take their place
with selfless faith
with selfless faith

Verse 4
i see a near revival
stirring as we pray and seek
we're on our knees
we're on our knees


Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like you
have loved me

Break my heart for what breaks yours
Everything i am for your kingdom's cause
As i walk from earth into eternity



i especially love the bridge.. wow.. tearing already.. lol.. learning the true meaning of worship has really been.. amazing.. my life is awesome..

hearing God's voice everytime you pray, tearing everytime you think of His awesome glory.. i love God, i love Him so so much..

but most importantly, He loves me SO MUCH more than i love Him, and lemme tell you that's a WHOLE lot..

anyway, moving on.. i have finally decided to do it.. after bearing this burden for so long, just the thought of going to do it leaves me in high spirits.. only nao will truly understand, but perhaps in due time all of you will..

but my eyes are swollen today cos of what happened yesterday.. it feels like my eyes can't open fully.. my eyelids are like FAT.. lol, seriously..

AHH!! ohmigosh, i just can't stop trying to express my love for God.. im doing it again!! i love God i love God i love God.. oh and btw, yes, im still listening to Hosanna.. LOL

lots have been going through my mind, in my life.. and with the countless times that i just had to break down and cry, i am truly grateful for my parents, my friends and most importantly, my God..

i wonder how in this stressful stressful world, with so much crap being thrown at you everyday, people can actually survive with their sanity without a God..

sigh, i know i know.. non-christians reading this are gonna exit this site right about

but pardon me for expressing my UTMOST LOVE to my God..

sigh, like Pastor Daniel always says.. or rather he always says that this famous scientist says that, " how can we just rule that there is no God without studying it for ourselves first?"

yes, later that scientist, who was an atheist all His life, became a Christian because He went to study Christianity and found that it was the truth..

even Darwin, yes that guy who claimed all humans came from monkeys, at his deathbed, asked for his most valuable book.. and when his assistants gave him his whole research materials of evolution, Darwin said, no.. he wanted his Bible..

but who can blame humans, afterall, we are one skeptical species..

when archeologists found Noah's Ark, when scientists found chariot wheels belonging to the Eypgtians at the bottom of the Red Sea, people merely scoffed and said there weren't true even though proof was slammed right into their face..

yes yes.. still listening to Hosanna

i am gonna read Revelations today for Quiet Time and im so excited..

oh and MISSION TRIP... how God blessed me with the $700 provision so i can go makes me even more excited.. cos i know if God provided for it, i must be in store for something so awesomely awesome!!

okok, i know my vocab is kinda limited.. keep using awesome.. but you gotta admit very few words can describe a God so mighty..

mighty! thats another word i used to describe God.. lol..

okok, i know most of you are bored by now.. and though i am SOOOO not bored writing all of these.. i shall stop..

but i do hope that after reading this entire long entry, God has touched your heart, and rekindled the love and passion you once had for Him, and even more..

and for non-christians, i pray this has planted a seed of curiosity in you.. a curiosity that you will quench.. a curiousity that will spark your heart to hunger for the TRUTH

cos the truth shall set you free.. free from the bondages of sin.. free from the emptiness of your life.. afterall, haven't you ever thought of the meaning or purpose of your life?..

:) cheerios..

p/s: still listening... heh heh


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