Saturday, May 09, 2009

hah oh well i promised someone a bimbotic post so here goes.. i have nothing in mind so i'm just gonna ramble on and on about random stuff and i'm pretty positive that in the end it'll turn out kinda on the bimbotic side hahh..

i think that esther's a great blogger, loveee reading her blog.. it's a very good balance of bimbotism and everyday life kinda thing (so i know how she's doing wayyyy over there) and intellect.. mmhmm, 2 thumbs up

so anyway, lemme tell you about the latest movie i watched, xmen origins.. well, watch it on a $6 day is all i'm gonna say.. why?.. cos the lead girl, kayla something, she aint pretty!! plus, my fave xmen of all time -GAMBIT (whoo everyone start cheering!) ain't hot enough! it's his friggin debut, can't you find some hotter guy?!?

ok ok so i take into consideration there might be some of my readers who DON'T know who gambit is.. lemme show you
gambit's power is that he can channel energy (something like chakra i guess) into cards and like kinda flick them so they turn into spinning cards of death (W-O-W) plus he uses a staff for physical combat.. staffs are always cool, like moses :D

whoa.. smokin' (:

i safely rest my life in your hands!.. *swoons*

mmhmm.. get the idea?.. in come gambit hollywood-ised..





















pfft.. I KNOW!! what a douche looking guy..

sheesh, they should totally increase the pay of actors so more eligible people would audition for IMPT roles like gambit.. it's such a rob patterson for edward moment... SCREW UPPPP.. this guy's name is taylor somethin.. TAYLOR?! as in taylor swift mmhmm.. she's pretty, so is he..

wow i amaze myself sometimes, i really do sound kinda bimbotic now don't i hah.. need.... sleep.... i'm heading to bed now.. ciao for now.. lis? sleepover soon? haha before uni starts.. which is like a before you know it kinda thing!! (:


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