Tuesday, August 28, 2007

CONGRATULATIONS!! it's my blog's 100th entry!!.. *claps claps..*

thanks so much lisa, qian and ahwei.. really cheered me up la.. this last week of the 3rd term i thought i can pia all my homework so i can start revicion in the holidays but NOO... pw had to ruin it all.. now it's eating away all my time.. i cant even do my tutorials now (which are badly overdue la..) darn.. today supposed to finish 2 whole maths tutorials and it's quite do-able one.. but stupid pw made me have to go home and use the comp and rush out everything.. ARGH!!

i had to pang seh ahwei la because of that.. IM SO SORRY AHWEI!!! this is the second time pw made me pang seh him le.. ahh... feel so so guilty la.. i was looking forward to mugging with him some more lo.. sigh... sept hols we have mugging sessions ok? i'll make it up to u de.. ermm... i'll buy u a huge bday present.. ):

anyway, after 4 ardous hours of pw.. yes, 4 HOURS!!.. me and michelle finshed it.. phew.. but i still have a small portion to edit la.. but im not gonna do it today.. brain drain.. by the way i found out my brain didnt abandoned me, it just shrank.. ): lol.. k yall.. think im gonna rush out some maths and see how much i can accomplish.. let's go brain!! *pinches brain up from the floor carefully with only my thumb and index finger, then insert it into head through ear..*

sigh... tiny tiny brain and me............


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