Tuesday, September 05, 2006


A mistake i made,
what Andy said,
caused dear old Lisa
to be scolded by Nana

It was all unclear
a mis-com i fear,
that resulted in me
causing trouble, you see

I wonder what the meeting's about
hope that no one's gonna pout
wish that everything's A-ok
next time more attention i'll pay...

On a lighter note...
[no more poem form... too hard... RESPECT to cai maomao]

let me blog about my intensive study programme yesterday..
it was boring and my brain got frizzled out... kept taking breaks you know... tsk tsk... disappointed... but at least finished quite alot of bio and amaths...

anyway, i was talking to my friends and i saw this guy with like a HUGE pimple on his face... it's really gigantic.. seriously... like a twenty-cent coin?! it's FULL of pus and stuff... gross man... haven't this guy heard of pimple cream or something?! hello... you have a freaking huge pimple on your face man... it's no time to be "manly" and ignore facial products...

anyway, that was the highlight of the day... other than that it was study study and more study... MAN.. i'm one boring girl... not living up to my ninified name...


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